Embodiment of a Witch Intensive 2024 is a Live Online Series.
What would happen if I let myself embody who my soul knows to be true?
Embodiment of a Witch Intensive is a course inviting you to focus on identifying, honoring, and experiencing your soul desires. Combing both a conceptual perspective and mind-body framework, Embodiment of a Witch will offer you the guidance and support to deeply connect to your spiritual and witchcraft practices, honor your unique journey that has brought you to this current moment, and provide you community coven space to learn from yourself and others. Parts of each session will also support connecting to ones own physical, emotional and spiritual selves.
Embodiment as the ultimate truth teller and liberator
In EOAW Embodiment is defined as the exploration of desires and the experience of our truest selves. We will be working with the concept of embodiment as the ultimate truth teller and liberator within each of us, specifically addressing the following:
What blocks and dampers our embodiment
What patterns, habits, and beliefs do we hold that directly influence our feelings about embodiment
By identifying this patterns, how can we then become more embodied in who we are, as humans and as spiritual beings?
How might we use the archetype of the witch as an embolden symbol to our own freedom of embodiment?
& so much more!
Embodiment of a Witch is inviting you to focus on your inner wisdom and passionate core as your guiding compass.
You can begin to live from the deep knowing that you are worthy of taking up space.
By giving yourself the ability to take up space and work with your fear around such actions, you offer a greater ability to hold space for others to do the same.
From here you can know your desires, experiences, and flaws are all apart of your inner magic that no one can take away.
Embodiment for a witch is for you if you wish to:
release shame in expressing yourself and taking up space
commit to your life and what is important to you
increase pleasure in your life and in your body
make choices from truth and courage
own and feed the witch within
develop an embodiment practice
be an invitation for joy
develop a devotional practice to discipline and self
release the grips of fear around failure & perfectionism
learn how to celebrate yourself, without any external prize
expand your experience of connection to self & others
gain access to your inner truth and cellular wisdom
live with self-responsibility
release stories of the past
desire to practice being seen with other coven/community members wishing to do the same
25 spots available
2024 DATES:
May: 4, 11, 25
June: 8, 15, 22
July: 6, 13, 20
Exchange of $444
Class time is going to be fluid between 90 minutes - 2 hours. If we need the extra 30 minutes we’ll end at Noon and if we don’t & feel complete then class will end around 11:30am. Saturdays from 10:00 am - 11:30 am/Noon pm MST {convert time zone here}
We will meet online via Zoom. Recordings will be sent the day after each class. and all recordings will be available for three months after EOAW ends.
If emailing me for a payment plan, please let me know if you are apart of the Holy Coven! :)
Teaching, community & reflection
3 Months, 3 Sessions each month / Live online with recordings accessible to students for months following the end of class.
Homework will be given for in-between session work and beyond.
Each Class Includes:
༓ A teaching about embodiment
༓ One guided meditation for your daily practice
༓ Practical guidance and homework for in-between sessions & beyond
༓ Contemplations to bring clarity and illumination to your experience
༓ Time to respond to questions related to your unique situation
Each student will also receive:
༓ A special EOAW pdf workbook, emailed on the first day of class
༓ An embodiment community dedicated to the work on Discord
༓ A portal to access recordings and suggested homework all in one space
༓ A chance to honor and shed who they’ve been to invite who they wish to be into our shared, sacred space
Seats for the EOAW 2024 Coven are OPEN!
If you need a payment plan or have any questions, please fill out the contact and I will get back to you within 48-72 hours.
I am SO excited to be in sacred space with you helping you explore embodiment, witchcraft, spiritual work, and so much more!
~ Love, Hannah