Originally published on March 20, 2022


Sunday, March 20th 2022. Here we are basically in the two year anniversary of the Covid-19 pandemic. Here we are wondering again, how the hell current events through out the world are going to impact our lives, those around us, and society at large. In Colorado where I live, we are in the midst of the beginning of a snowstorm as we transition into spring. This is traditional weather for us in March and around this time of year a lot of our physical bodies are in similar flux - thawing out the first few months of the year while feeling sparks of expansion and new growth on the way. Here in Colorado, we don't plant the garden until after Mother's Day, because there will inevitably be one last terrible snow storm that freezes and destroys anything planted earlier than so. Here we exist with patience in one last hurrah before we cross the threshold into a new season and here our bodies learn the same kind of fortitude - waiting for just the right time to release and clear left over residual and metaphorical storm debris. The best part is that there is a certain feeling when this period has passed: a certain way the birds chirp, a fresh dewy smell in the air, and a specific way the sunlight creeps through the blinds. I can't quite put my finger on how to describe how one knows exactly that spring has officially arrived, but I do know it's in a lot of little experiences that create a perfect shift that can be felt immediately when one wakes up. It's like suddenly, any struggle from the night before has lifted and you just, feel different {and maybe even hopeful}. Personally I have been waiting for that moment for many months now, and although that perfect feeling hasn't arrived yet - the Spring Equinox and Nowruz let me know that it is really close and that it's okay to celebrate this moment as myself and others get ready to shake off what doesn't resonate with us anymore so we can receive the teachings of a new season.

In simple terms spring teaches us about death and rebirth. We receive similar medicine and wisdom in the Fall, though the nuance between the two seasons is important to distinguish. Spring acknowledges death in the death + rebirth cycle, but it is more focused on the revival and reawakening side. We survived death and slumber and now we get the chance to grow and rise. Fall on the other hand, honors the death process and the need for it so that we may experience the magic of spring. Each season feeds the other, into the loop, creating the cycle so that we may ride the wave all over again. The process of change truly, is in every moment that we exist - in and out of our constant and continually breath. And of course, death looms always just as does life, as they both need each other to exist and to perform. If we let it, this sentiment can be empowering to really reckon with. Every moment you are somewhere in the cycle and there is great personal power here.

Change can be on your side. And that is the promise of the Spring Equinox.

In a world that feels unpredictable and uncertain, Spirit asks us here in this pivotal moment of the year, to recall the joy in our lives so we can remember and interact with this other side of the human experience. Spring wants to know, what goodness, juiciness, and fullness have you felt in your life? Is there anything that you can recount from your life as of late, a moment, a miracle, an unexpected surprise, or shift that was appreciable? What was it about that moment or those moments that made it special? Write it down. Speak it loud. Think it into the ether and let your spiritual team know what was extraordinary so you can pin point what you desire more of from those experiences.

Take the opportunity that spring hands to bloom.

For me personally, there have been happenings in the last few months that I have pinned on my life bulletin board - things that help me remember that I can have beautiful moments in downright scary, tough, and fickle times. These pins in my memory look like: moments I've exercised my boundaries, asked my inner child what she needs and honored her response without judgement, a virtual movie night with loved one in a different state, sending/receiving a flirty text, laughing until my stomach hurts, and switching up my routine just enough that I remember there can and is mystery in daily existence. Like having a profound weekend of taking back the spaces my abuser took from me. Seeing a favorite band I never thought I’d see again for really tough, personal reasons. Surviving the summer of 2019. Crushing it with my new therapist and waking up a friends house on the couch in my makeup and clothes from the night before - a favorite ritual. Getting to sleep in my favorite blanket here and in the AM, strolling immediately to the coffeehouse around the corner for a large chai with oat milk - a delicious luxury.

Leaning into the stages of my death and rebirth cycles has been one of the most helpful acts of self care, empowerment, and trust with myself and the greater universe at large. It has helped me stop stressing so much about the destination and make some room for fun and joy in my life and also in my heart space. Spring’s number one ritual is to search for and pin the joy that just might be with you, even if and when it’s really hard to find - because when we pin the seemingly “little” or fleeting experiences of joy up on our metaphorical memory boards, we can see the larger picture at play. The “I’m really thankful for that experience / that person / etc” becomes more clear and in this exercise, we may just find some hope, even if it takes a while or a really long time. This is also a kind of exercise in trust - trust in a season and our ability to receive what comes through, as spring facilitates the expansion needed for newness and extracting delight.

The Spring Equinox is a fabulous time for regroup, reassess, and clean any slate you want because there is an energetic clearing and reset that happens here. In my family and tradition we also celebrate Nowruz, the Persian New Year, on this day and even if that isn’t apart of your lineage, the energy that a new year brings can be felt in the vibration of the Equinox and Ostara. Let this weekend and week forward slough off the mindfucks and get clear on how you want to proceed. Take a moment to breathe and exist in this moment so that you can take another step and practice recognizing joy so you can facilitate more celebration and gratitude in life.

Sale No Mubarak! ♥ Happy New Year!

Mourning Light Divination, LLC always recommends working with a trained mental health professional, especially during times of transition, change, and turbulence. Mourning Light Divination, LLC only provides tools and is not the outcome.

May you be well and safe.
