Honor Your Death & Embrace Your Rebirth
Over and over again we come to realize that the only way is through.
Our approach
As a member of the death work community, we assist members by providing awareness and comfort to one’s transitions, life cycles, and periods of change through spiritual, creative, and honest work. We all go through many different and unique death & rebirth cycles though out our lives - these cycles can be metaphorical or physical in nature. It is when we acknowledge and honor them that we can understand our needs with clarity and gain perspective to the present moment.
The more we realize that our growth and way of processing are sacred, we allow ourselves to expand further.
Mourning Light Divination offers grief support, death doula services, intuitive readings, spiritual mentoring, workshops, and more. Let us help you connect to and embody your own personal growth cycles with confidence and curiosity.
We are here to be alongside you in your journey to the underworld and back.
You are not only in your grief or your joy. Your grief is sacred as is your celebration. We are cheerleading you on through all and any of life’s ups, downs, twists and turns and would honored to be apart of your spiritual and professional team.
Remote services with in-person options.
Our services are currently only offered remotely, however if you live locally in the Denver Metro Area in-person sessions may be possible. *Group Ceremonies & House Spirit Communication are available for in-person work.
Looking for in-person work? Send an inquiry to hannah@mourninglightdivination.com
Our services
Grief Support
Intuitive + Ancestral Readings
Spiritual Mentoring
Metaphorical Funerals
“Hannah is someone who is extremely well adept in her work. Whether it be having a metaphorical funeral, spiritual coaching, energy work, or ordering her specially curated herbal products, Hannah delivers with exceptional love and intention.
I am deeply moved after each session I have had with Hannah. Her work encompasses a variety of services that all work to ignite her clients’ highest good. I have received many products. Some of my favorites being her clearing spray, Samhain witch box, protection oil and teas. Hannah has helped me develop self-ceremonies and learn to ground myself. Her spiritual coaching has been such a blessing. Hannah has helped me through many meta-physical cycles. I am deeply grateful to regard Hannah as a trustworthy and longterm coach in my spiritual journey.”
— Olivia
Meet Hannah
Hannah Haddadi {they/them}
Owner of Mourning Light Divination
Spiritual Death Worker, Death Witch, Death Doula, Community Herbalist, Writer, Poet and Student of Integrative Medicine and Human Services.
“My work with Hannah has been essential to my growth. She is like the strong breeze I never knew I needed in my sails, always gently pushing me along towards connection with my ancestors and healing. Working with Hannah, I found a deeper spiritual purpose to my fiber work. She introduced and taught me about death work, which has provided me the ability to turn toward the great deaths in my life, such as the loss of loved ones, past versions of myself, and our decaying society and planet, and tend to my grief. I don’t think I could possibly weather the storms we are riding out without the tools she taught me.”
— James
Not sure where to start? Book a free consultation today.
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